RK: Two years ago she started her own church. So if a 7 year old can plant a church… you can plant a church.

So tell them how you do your church.

Eating Together
Reading The Bible

But for us it’s usually going to play because we can’t really go too far from our patents.

RK: So I took the Acts 2 passage and tried to simplify it for kids. You know you’re having church when you’re praying, reading a bible, fellowshipping and eating and figuring out how you’re going to go.

Eating Together
Reading The Bible,

RK: When you want to do a Bible study…since you’re not a Bible scholar, How do you do the Bible study?

Kalena: You read the story and ask the questions. Sometimes if I have enough candy I’ll bring it and say “if you answer the question without say ‘I have the same answer’ then you’ll get a candy and it worked several times.

RK: What questions do you ask?

Kalena: What did you get from the story? What does it say about people? How did they feel in the story? What does it say about God? Is there a sin you should avoid? A command that you should follow?

RK: She’s been doing this for 2 years? They get a couple kids because our church is mainly for homeless people, for adults but we get “normal people” (non homeless) coming too and they have kids. So I said “hey, you should start a kid’s church.” She fully runs it and sh’es fully in-charge. I just gave her these questions. They read a story, they answer the questions sometimes she bribes them with candy so they’ll actually answer, then they run around and be kids in the park.

So if kids can do it, you can do it.

Can I get an amen?

Will you pray for everyone so they can do the same things you do?

Kalena: Lord, I pray that you will help these ywamers to grow their own churches and help preach to other people with joy. In Jesus’ Name, Amen