Today, we’re going to talk about a concept that I call “Massification”.

What is massification? Massification is a word that basically means “mass multiplication”. Now, if you guys didn’t know, for many years, I mean, pretty much for over a decade, probably, I traveled all over the world with a group called Team Extreme and we would break bricks and tear phone books and bend metal bars in our teeth and tell people how good God is. We did it in stadiums around the world and had an opportunity to minister to thousands of thousands of people in stadiums, in pretty much every continent except for Antarctica. 

It was a great opportunity. It was a great place to learn about preaching the gospel. A lot of the trainings and the concepts that you’ll learn through this channel, I practiced or experimented quite a bit while I was doing a lot of this stuff, because when you’re ministering to that many people all throughout the year, we were on the road probably about 220 days out of the year, you get an opportunity to preach and pray for a lot of people and see people get set free from demonic oppression and all that stuff.

Now, after I’d been doing it for a few years, the mass evangelism, God called me to go and work with discipleship training schools with why YWAM. I went from the mass evangelism aspect to it. Catching a lot of fish is a mass evangelism. The discipleship training schools with YWAM was basically about cleaning the fish and having to work with people and get them to start following Jesus. 

Mass evangelism was about leading thousands of people to Jesus. Discipleship was about getting these people that have said yes to Jesus to go and do the things that God has called them to do. It’s totally different. I mean, mass evangelism was fun. You get up there, you share your story about Jesus, you preach the gospel, you heal the sick and cast out demons. I mean, it’s a lot of fun. Sitting with someone and trying to get them to walk through the issues and start following God, it’s a little bit of work. You know what I mean?

So, that’s why I think there’s different fields, right? We talked about the four fields. The first field is you figure out which field God has called you to go and minister to. And then the next field is about planting seeds of the gospel, the seeds of the kingdom. And then the third field is about helping the seeds grow, and the fourth field is gathering them into churches. And then right in the center, if you listened to our 4 Fields training, it’s about multiplying goers and growers and gatherers. 

Now, I realized that if you look at Matthew 10 and Luke 10, the thing that Jesus focuses their attention on, right from the beginning, He says: “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers.” If you read the stories of Matthew 10 and Luke 10, Jesus has his workers with him, right? The 12 and the 72. Yes, his workers are with him. He says, “Look, the harvest is plentiful.” Meaning there’s tons of people who are going to get saved. 

What’s few, what’s lacking is workers. So He sends them with these marching orders to find and raise up workers. Now, the workers for the harvest are going to come from the harvest because He had all of His workers with Him. So the marching orders that He gives them in Matthew 10 and Luke 10 is how to go and find and raise workers. Now, if you read my book Kingdom 24902, there’s an entire section just on this thing – how can we do Luke 10 and go and raise up workers in the harvest for the harvest?

Now, I started to think about this from a mass evangelism standpoint because mass evangelism is like the sower that is throwing seeds. Now, if you know the Parable of the Sower and the Seed, it says, the sower, the farmer goes out. In the parable, he’s like throwing seed everywhere. Some goes on the path, some goes in rocky soil, some goes in soil that has weeds in it, some goes in good soil. There’s these four soils. 

Now, if you listen to what Jesus says that the parable is actually about, He says, three out of the four soils actually are believers that say yes to Jesus. I realized, man, this is what mass evangelism is, right? You hear all these statistics that only a percentage of people who raised their hands in mass evangelism campaigns will actually start to follow Jesus. And I realized, man, that is the Parable of the Sower, because three of the soils, Jesus said, “These are those who hear the message of the kingdom and they believe.” So they’re believers. They raise their hand and say “Yeah, I want to follow Jesus.” But only one of the soil produces fruit. 

If you remember from some of the previous episodes, trees produce fruit so they can multiply, which tells me a small percentage of people who believe will say, “I’m going to go and I’m going to multiply what God did in my life and others around me.” I said, “How can we start to massify finding workers? How can we quickly discover workers so that we can send them out to do work?” And I realized this: When we’re doing mass evangelism, we’re throwing seeds everywhere. We haven’t developed a system to find workers from those who raise their hand and say yes. 

So this is what I started to do. First of all, when I’m preaching the gospel, instead of saying, “If you would like to go to heaven when you die, raise your hand,” I don’t do that. This is what I say when I want to lead people to Jesus. I say, “Hey, would you like to be a part of a family that’s going to make the world right again?” 

Two parts of that question: (1) The purpose of evangelism is get people back to the Father. They’re saying yes to be in a member of a family. So they’re not just saving their skin to go to heaven when they die. They’re saying yes to be a part of a family. (2) Would you like to be a part of a family that’s going to go and make the world right again? They’re getting a mission from the beginning. They’re not just going to heaven so they can check off the mark, “Yeah, I prayed a prayer, so now I’m good.” They’re saying, “I’m going to be a member of a family that has a family mission.” That mission is to go and make the world right again. So, that’s what I asked in the beginning. 

Everyone who says yes, I say this after it: “Tell me the names of five of your friends or family who need to hear about what God just did in your life.” And I sit there and I wait for him to tell me, “Oh John and Susie and Carol and Jim Bob down the road.” I wait until they tell me five names and I say, “Out of those five people, who are you going to tell tonight about what God did in your life before you go to bed?” And I wait. “I think I’ll call Jim. I’m going to tell Jim what God did in my life tonight.”

In mass evangelism, we would have these follow-up cards. The follow-up cards had their name, their phone number, their email, the church that they went to. We had all these things that you would fill out so that you can do follow-up. I think you need two things on that card for follow-up to start the discipleship process. You need their name, their phone number that you can text message them at, and then you need to know the name of the person that they said they’re going to go share their story with. That’s it. 

The next day, you call them, text message them, call them, whatever. You say, “Hey, how did it go sharing your story with?” And you look in your follow-up card and you say, “How’d you go sharing your story with Jim Bob last night?” What I think is probably, 8 out of 10 will say, “Oh, I haven’t done it yet.” Good, we found out that they’re not workers. Now I wouldn’t give up on them. I still take them through the discipleship process, trying to get them to follow and obey the things that Jesus said to do. They’re not workers. 

1 out of 10 will probably say, “Yeah, it went pretty good. I told them my story, blah, blah, blah.” Great. I think probably 1 out of 10 will say, “Man, I went and shared with him. I shared with all the other four people on my list, and I went and found 20 other people that I could tell my story with Jesus.” Boom. You just found yourself a worker. 

If you go in and read that section in Kingdom 24902 you realize that Jesus says, “Once you find that, that worker, that house, you focus on them and you pour into them because they’re the ones that are going to take the thing that God put inside of them and multiply at 30, 60, 100 fold of what Jesus says.

So you don’t give up on the other nine, but you realize that the whole point of the massification that you’re doing, the mass evangelism, spreading seeds to as many people as possible, everyone needs to hear the good news of the kingdom. But I know that as I’m spreading seed, my goal is to find workers. And once you find a worker, you pour into them because what happens is like the Gadarene demoniac. He says yes to Jesus. Get set free from a legion of demons. Jesus sends them out to share his story to the Decapolis, which is 10 cities (deca: ten; polis: cities). He sends them out and that dude reaches 10 cities. The next time Jesus comes to the capitalist, people run from all over to come and meet Jesus. Why? Jesus found a worker and the worker went and did the work. Can I get an amen? 

Massification is about spreading seed, seeing who says yes to Jesus, and then discovering the workers from those who said yes. massification, mass multiplication.