12 Word Question
Reveals Your Calling

12 Word Question Reveals Your Calling
If you’ve ever wondered what you should be doing with your life, I want to share a 12 word question you can ask that will uncover how God has uniquely designed you to make a difference in the world.
Here’s the question:
Can you tell me 3 things you think I do really well?
Text (or email) that question to 5 friends or family that know you really well.
You’ll get 15 responses from people and I can almost guarantee there will be some repeats in those responses.
We’re looking for 3 things that you can say, “that’s true…I do that well.”
These 3 things are what I call your signature strengths.
The Bible says “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others.” 1 Pet 4:10
God has uniquely designed you to be great at something and He wants you to use that gifting to serve others.
The Gallup Organization did a survey and asked the question: Do you get to do what you do best on a daily basis?
Unfortunately, only 17% of people answered yes to that question.
I want you do be one of the 2 out of 10 people that are getting to use your God-Given Gifts on a daily basis.
So in next week’s email I want to share a simple exercise to help you know what you should be aiming these God-Given Gifts at.
Plus: Whenever you’re ready, there’s an incredible opportunity awaiting you. By giving to missions, you can unlock FREE access to these 4 tools, and much more, in the Worker Maker Community:
1. Book Bundle: Get Digital Versions Of All The Great Commission Books Written By RK – Click Here To Get The Books
2. Online Outreach Challenge: Simple Step by Step Processes To Reach 100,000s Around The World Using The Power Of The Interwebs – Click Here To Learn How To Reach People On The Internet
3. Jesus Heals Workshop: Discover a simple way that every follower of Jesus can heal the sick everyday – Click Here To Learn How To See Miracles Everyday
4. 24/7 Mentorship Group: Get 24/7 access to the Worker Maker Community so you can get coaching and mentorship as you implement these different systems in your sphere of influence. – Click Here To Get Mentorship

Worker Makers
Workshops & Book Concepts To Help You Find Your Place In God’s Plan To Finish The Great Commission.