12 Word Question
Reveals Your Calling

12 Word Question Reveals Your Calling

12 Word Question Reveals Your Calling

by RK Castillo

If you’ve ever wondered what you should be doing with your life, I want to share a 12 word question you can ask that will uncover how God has uniquely designed you to make a difference in the world.  

Here’s the question:

Can you tell me 3 things you think I do really well?

 Text (or email) that question to 5 friends or family that know you really well.  

 You’ll get 15 responses from people and I can almost guarantee there will be some repeats in those responses.  

 We’re looking for 3 things that you can say, “that’s true…I do that well.”  

 These 3 things are what I call your signature strengths.  

 The Bible says “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others.” 1 Pet 4:10

 God has uniquely designed you to be great at something and He wants you to use that gifting to serve others.  

 The Gallup Organization did a survey and asked the question: Do you get to do what you do best on a daily basis?  

 Unfortunately, only 17% of people answered yes to that question.  

 I want you do be one of the 2 out of 10 people that are getting to use your God-Given Gifts on a daily basis.  

 So in next week’s email I want to share a simple exercise to help you know what you should be aiming these God-Given Gifts at.  




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3. Jesus Heals Workshop: Discover a simple way that every follower of Jesus can heal the sick everyday – Click Here To Learn How To See Miracles Everyday


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