A Pastor’s Job Is Not This

A Pastor's Job Is Not This...
Pastors…There’s 2 people who can grow the church:
- You
- Other People
There’s more of them than you.
I had this thought sitting on plane flying back to South America after training a small group of young people practical ways to preach the Gospel and finish the Great Commission.
When I was a pastor I had a ton of responsibilities…some spoken, some unspoken.
I constantly wondered how many people would show up on a Sunday. I wondered if we were making a difference in our community. And, to be honest, I wondered if I was wasting my time and I should go do something else with my life.
But I had this one thought….
I’m not a shepherd of sheep, I’m a shepherd raising up other shepherds.
So even if we had only 10 people show up, we’re training up 10 other leaders who will train up other leaders.
I think one of the most freeing thoughts is that as a Paster/Leader/Discipler your job is not to do the work. Your job is to train others to do the work.
This is why I created the Worker Maker community. As a certified nerd my job is to dive into subjects, study as much as I can and try to create a tool that can help non-nerds easily teach and train another person how to do what it is we are trying to get them to do.
So, in the Worker Maker community if you would like to learn how to Hear God’s Voice and train others how to do the same…
There’s a tool for that.
Want to learn how to Cast Out Demons and train others to cast em out too.
There’s a tool for that.
Want to multiply disciples quickly?
There’s a tool for that too.
All the tools I’ve ever created are all inside the community.
The tools work the best if you give them to others and teach them how to use them.
That’s how we can make God’s dream, The Every and the All, become a reality.
Many Blessings!
Plus: Whenever you’re ready, there’s an incredible opportunity awaiting you. By giving to missions, you can unlock FREE access to these 4 tools, and much more, in the Worker Maker Community:
1. Book Bundle: Get Digital Versions Of All The Great Commission Books Written By RK – Click Here To Get The Books
2. Online Outreach Challenge: Simple Step by Step Processes To Reach 100,000s Around The World Using The Power Of The Interwebs – Click Here To Learn How To Reach People On The Internet
3. Jesus Heals Workshop: Discover a simple way that every follower of Jesus can heal the sick everyday – Click Here To Learn How To See Miracles Everyday
4. 24/7 Mentorship Group: Get 24/7 access to the Worker Maker Community so you can get coaching and mentorship as you implement these different systems in your sphere of influence. – Click Here To Get Mentorship
How To Multiply Disciples Quickly
How To Multiply Disciples Quickly

Worker Makers
Workshops & Book Concepts To Help You Find Your Place In God’s Plan To Finish The Great Commission.