How To Setup Facebook Prayer Ads

How To Setup Facebook Prayer Ads
The Weekly Worker Maker #12
A couple months ago, we as a ministry, decided our staff needed to go to every nation in South America, lead someone to Jesus, see a miracle and have video testimonies from the people who were saved, healed and/or delivered.
We’re one month into the challenge and we’ve seen people in Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Chile and Paraguay impacted by Jesus.
My family felt like we were being called to go to Guyana for this challenge.
Then I had an idea. 💡
I developed a system to help churches get new visitors to their churches by next week using Facebook Ads. I asked myself what would happen if you started using Facebook Ads to reach out to a nation before you ever got there?
So I setup the O2F Method campaign for the main city in Guyana that has the international airport. I pay $2 per day in Facebook Ads and basically get around 13 people everyday messaging asking for me to pray for them. Here’s the stats after just 2 weeks:
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In this Weekly Worker Maker I wanted to teach you step by step how to do this so you can reach people in your backyard or even on the other side of the world.
1.Setup A Facebook Ads Manager Account
To run Facebook Ads you need a Facebook Ads Manager account connected with a Facebook page.
2.Create Your Video
I created a video that basically asks the miracle question from the Story Evangelism training “If God Could Do A Miracle In Your Life What Would It Be?” and I added a call to action at the end. In this case, I want people to message me their Prayer Request so I finish with “Click the Button Below, share your prayer need and we will pray for the miracle working God to move on your behalf.”
3. Add Captions To Your Video
Nowadays, people watch videos on social media while scrolling and usually without volume. So I use a tool called CapCut because they’ll automatically generate your captions for you and add them to your video. You just have to make some minor edits.
4. Post the Video To Your Facebook Page
Now take the video you made and post it to your Facebook Page.
5. Create Your Facebook Ad
Now to the fun part, Create a campaign and choose “Engagement” as your campaign objective. For the Ad Set level choose Facebook Messenger, then how much you want to spend per day, and finally where you want the ads to show. I chose a 25 mile radius around the city we were trying to reach. Finally, choose your facebook post as the ad and click ‘Publish.’
6. Get to praying
This has been the toughest part. As you get prayer requests to come in, you need to have a time of day to sit down and pray for all of them. I personally click the Audio button and record a prayer for each one of them.
7. Know What You Want To Do After You Pray
After I pray, I send them to a video sharing the Gospel because I want to reach, train and send as many people as I can in this nation. You might want to invite them to your church, or discipleship group. Check out some of these responses:
This person wants to join our church:
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This person is a backslider and wants to be restored:
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Imagine if you ran these ads in your community…
How cool would that be!
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