How to Use Google Ads For Evangelism

How to Use Google Ads For Evangelism
The Weekly Worker Maker #07
There’s this thing out there that gets 8.5 Billion questions asked to it every single day.
Can you guess what it is?
Yes….the Google.
And since Google wants to keep the lights on in their business, they allow you to pay a little and put ads at the top when people search for whatever question they need an answer for.
The cool thing about Google Ads (which is different than Facebook Ads) is you only pay when people click.
So I did an experiment. It lasted 1 week.
I found out people were asking the Google this question “Is God Real?”
I created a video answering the question, transcribed the video and added the video and the article to a web page.
At the end of the article I gave people the opportunity to become a part of God’s family that is going to make the world right again.
This lead to a page where I shared the Gospel and people could give their lives to Jesus.
I turned on Google ads and waited….
A week later I checked the stats.
It cost around 39 cents to get one person to come to get their question answered.
People from 32 countries had visited…Even someone from Saudi Arabia (which isn’t so easy to go and talk about Jesus openly!)
And 5 people gave their lives to Jesus!
This is the power of doing Online Outreach. You can reach people all over the world and you don’t even have to get on a plane and get jet lag!
If you’d like to learn how to do all this and see the exact Ads I used and how I set it all up you get all that for Free in the Online Outreach Challenge in the Worker Maker Community (link below).
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