Tips To Reach Gen Z For Jesus

Tips To Reach Gen Z For Jesus
The Weekly Worker Maker #16
A Mission’s Conference asked if I would do a workshop on reaching Gen Z.
This got me to thinkin’….what impacted me as a young man?
When I was 19 years old I went on my first overseas mission trip. We went to Brazil. I remember one night a drug addict came to us asking for prayer. The power of God touched him and set him free from his addiction.
The next night a man came up for prayer and started manifesting demons. I had no clue what to do but by the end of the night he was free.
The following night we came to a young boy who couldn’t walk. I figured he’s not going to get healed sitting on the ground. So I picked him up and said “Jesus paid a price for you to be healed. So I’m going to let go of you. I don’t really know what’s going to happen…but God’s going to heal you.” I let go and watched as he landed on the ground completely healed.
When I watched the power of God change someone right in front of my eyes…I decided, right then, I’m gonna do this the rest of my life.
Since then we’ve seen hundreds of people healed all over the world.
Back to reaching Gen Z.
I believe “the Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of Power” 1 Cor 4:20.
Young people need to see what I saw as a teenager.
So, we implemented this into all of our training.
The first day of training in our 6 month discipleship school, you have to go to the streets and see a miracle and have a testimony video of it on your phone or you can’t come back.
The first day of our Bible School, you have to go see a miracle in the streets.
100% of the people who come through our programs will see God impact and change someone right in front of them.
We want to become a naturally supernaturally people.
If you want a practical training on how to Heal the Sick check out my book Jesus Heals where I answer 3 questions:
- Is it God’s will to heal?
- How do you pray for the sick?
- What do you do if you pray for someone and it seems like they aren’t healed?
You can get it from the Amazon or get it for Free as a bonus for jumping into the Worker Maker Community at the blue link below.
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