Using A.I. To Find Your Life Purpose

Using A.I. To Find Your Life Purpose
I recently asked myself a question…How can we help young teenagers figure out what job they should pursue as an adult? How can we help a young person know what classes they should take in college or university?
More than 15 years ago I began to ask God the question “how do I find my purpose in life?”
“When you find what you love to do and use what you’re great at doing to become a solution to problems that God is calling you to fix– that’s where you’ll find your purpose.”
- Passion
- Strengths
- Needs
- Calling
Where these 4 things intersect is the unique assignment you’ve been put on this planet to do.
So how can we use these 4 things to help someone know what to pursue when they go off to college?
If you’ve ever gone through the Purpose Discovery Process, in the “Needs” process we talk about 7 Spheres that are influencing the culture of the nations.
- Religion
- Government & Law
- Arts, Enterainment & Sports
- Education
- Business & Economics
- Media, Communication
- Family
The young person you are trying to help is called to one of these 7 areas.
So, I went to A.I. and used a special prompt to uncover some really interesting ways to help a young person realize which Sphere they are called to.
And when then you can use A.I. to give them some specific classes they can take that are in line with the thing they have been called to do.
If you’re going to spend thousands on a college education. Might as well spend it getting better at the thing God has designed, and called you to do.
If you want the prompt to help someone out, let me know!
Many Blessings!
Plus: Whenever you’re ready, there’s an incredible opportunity awaiting you. By giving to missions, you can unlock FREE access to these 4 tools, and much more, in the Worker Maker Community:
1. Book Bundle: Get Digital Versions Of All The Great Commission Books Written By RK – Click Here To Get The Books
2. Online Outreach Challenge: Simple Step by Step Processes To Reach 100,000s Around The World Using The Power Of The Interwebs – Click Here To Learn How To Reach People On The Internet
3. Jesus Heals Workshop: Discover a simple way that every follower of Jesus can heal the sick everyday – Click Here To Learn How To See Miracles Everyday
4. 24/7 Mentorship Group: Get 24/7 access to the Worker Maker Community so you can get coaching and mentorship as you implement these different systems in your sphere of influence. – Click Here To Get Mentorship
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