Want To Spark Jesus Epidemics – Read These 5 Books

Want To Spark Jesus Epidemics - Read These 5 Books
Jesus movements start when someone is bold enough to get out there and tell someone how good God is. This book will give you a simple tool to help others learn how to heal the sick and preach the Gospel without being pushy or creepy.
Ying Kai and his wife moved to China as missionaries and soon realized they wouldn’t be able to reach the millions of people who lived in their city. Ying went to a training and his dream was to see 200 churches planted. His trainer contacted him a few months after their training to see how he was doing and to his surprise they reached their goal in 3 months! No one had ever actually reached their dream goal before…much less in a few months. This book chronicles what they did differently to reach thousands.
This is the most important book on discipleship I’ve read in the last 5 years. All healthy things multiply. If we want to multiply Jesus movements we need to multiply health disciples. We’ve been neglecting half of the brain in our discipleship. This book shares 4 essential things you need in your discipleship if you want to impact the whole brain.
Peter Wagner once said “every city wide transformation that I’ve studied happened as a direct result of a public deliverance.” People would name cities “Before Annacondia” and “After Annacondia” because of the impact the multi-day campaigns would have in cities in Argentina. This book reveals what, and why, he did what he did when he preached the Gospel.
This church was one of the fastest growing churches in the USA but the pastor realized he would never reach his entire city if he continued to focus on the attractional model of church. He needed to start multiplying workers in the city. I loved the 7 practical things they are training their people to “Raise the Sails for Movements.”
Plus: Whenever you’re ready, there’s an incredible opportunity awaiting you. By giving to missions, you can unlock FREE access to these 4 tools, and much more, in the Worker Maker Community:
1. Book Bundle: Get Digital Versions Of All The Great Commission Books Written By RK – Click Here To Get The Books
2. Online Outreach Challenge: Simple Step by Step Processes To Reach 100,000s Around The World Using The Power Of The Interwebs – Click Here To Learn How To Reach People On The Internet
3. Jesus Heals Workshop: Discover a simple way that every follower of Jesus can heal the sick everyday – Click Here To Learn How To See Miracles Everyday
4. 24/7 Mentorship Group: Get 24/7 access to the Worker Maker Community so you can get coaching and mentorship as you implement these different systems in your sphere of influence. – Click Here To Get Mentorship

Worker Makers
Workshops & Book Concepts To Help You Find Your Place In God’s Plan To Finish The Great Commission.