Witch Set Free By Asking This Question

Witch Set Free By Asking This Question
The Weekly Worker Maker #08
What would you do if you met a witch? What if you met two of them?
While our students were going door to door they came to a home where a mother and daughter practiced witchcraft and our students decided that the best thing to do would be to ask them if they wanted to have a Bible study.
And while this in itself may seem shocking, the next part was even more so: One of them said yes.
A door that was otherwise shut was now open. Turns out all her children were starting to get sick. So she invited them in.
The team started with worship. As the team worshipped, the daughter who invited them in, began manifesting demons.
They cast those suckers out of her and she gave her life to Jesus!
There was a study that showed that 61% of the people who don’t follow Jesus are open to having a Bible study with you…if you ask them.
This is just one example of how true this can be.
Here’s a simple way you can ask “Do you want to get together and talk about a story from the Bible that brought me a lot of hope?”
When they say Yes…use the 7 Stories of Hope tool to sit down and talk about specific miracle stories that were hand picked to lead people to Jesus by the beloved apostle John who saw “first-hand” all the miracles Jesus did.
If you don’t have the 7 Stories of Hope tool, Click Here and i’ll send it to you.
Whenever you’re ready, here’s how I can help you:
If you’re looking for simple reproducible tools and training to help you multiply workers that will preach the Gospel, do miracles, disciple nations and finish the Great Commission.
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