Purpose Concepts Podcast
In this podcast you can listen to daily lives and thoughts about life, business and the Great & Greatness Commission. Search below to find a specific episode.Podcast
One Unique Discipleship Strategy To Grow A Church
One Unique Discipleship Strategy To Grow A Church Or Youth Group In This Video… In today's video I want to talk about the one unique strategy that has led to a hundred percent of the people who come to our trainings getting out there doing miracles on the streets...

One Unique Discipleship Strategy To Grow A Church Or Youth Group
One Unique Discipleship Strategy To Grow A Church Or Youth Group by RKisms https://purposeconcepts.s3.amazonaws.com/podcast/OneUniqueStrategy.mp3 Highlights From This Episode: ⏩ 00:00 – One Unique Discipleship Strategy ⏩ 02:32 – Making Worker Makers ⏩ 03:33 – ...

How Jesus Made Disciples – The Jesus Funnel
How Jesus Made Disciples - The Jesus Funnel How To Be A Worker Maker Today we’re going to talk about how to be a worker maker, how Jesus made disciples by a principle that I call “the Jesus funnel.” The “Jesus funnel” is a concept that I first heard from Steve...

Church Or Social Club – How Churches Can Multiply Churches
Church or Social Club - How Churches Can Multiply Churches by RKisms https://purposeconcepts.s3.amazonaws.com/podcast/ChurchOrSocialClub.m4a Today we’re gonna talk about the question: Is your church a church or is it a social club? In two years, you can find out. I...

Practical Steps To Evangelism
Practical Steps To Evangelism by RKisms https://purposeconcepts.s3.amazonaws.com/podcast/PracticalStepsToEvangelism.mp3 Hey, today, we’re going to talk about Practical Steps to Evangelism, how you can do this without being a creeper. Now, when it comes to evangelism,...

How To Be A Winner
How To Be A Winner by RKisms https://purposeconcepts.s3.amazonaws.com/podcast/HowToBeAWinner.mp3 Some tips from Jesus on how to be a winner.

Massification – How To Transition From Mass Evangelism To Mass Multiplication
Massification by RKisms https://purposeconcepts.s3.amazonaws.com/podcast/Massification.mp3 Today, we’re going to talk about a concept that I call “Massification”. What is massification? Massification is a word that basically means “mass multiplication”. Now, if you...

What Is The Gospel?
What Is The Gospel? by RKisms https://purposeconcepts.s3.amazonaws.com/WhatIsTheGospel.mp3 Today, we’re going to answer the question: What is the gospel? The gospel. Did you know that the word ‘gospel’ literally means good news? So when you’re saying, “What is the...

3 Ways To Share The Gospel
3 Ways To Share The Gospel by RKisms https://purposeconcepts.s3.amazonaws.com/podcast/3WaysToShareTheGospel.mp3 Today, we’re talking about three different ways to share the gospel. I started to think through this evangelism thing. There’s all kinds of different ways...

What McDonald’s Taught Me About The Great Commission
What McDonald's Taught Me About The Great Commission by RKisms https://purposeconcepts.s3.amazonaws.com/podcast/WhatMcDonaldsTaughtMeAboutTheGreatCommission.mp3 Today we’re going to talk about what McDonald’s taught me about the Great Commission. I don’t know about...