Purpose Concepts Podcast
In this podcast you can listen to daily lives and thoughts about life, business and the Great & Greatness Commission. Search below to find a specific episode.Podcast

Refugee Camp To A Prosperous Nation – TWWM #29
Refugee Camp To A Prosperous Nation - Discipling Nations In my search for tools to help people finish the great commission I ran across a lady named Landa Cope. She is a YWAMer and was impacted by a TV show that a British journalist did on the impact of...

Using A.I. In Discipleship – TWWM #28
Using A.I. In Discipleship Jesus is the ultimate question asker. In fact, Jesus asked 307 questions and only answered 8 of them. So why more questions than answers? I've been asking the Lord to make me more like Jesus which means I need to...

How To Cast Out Demons – TWWM #27
How To Cast Out Demons During my first overseas mission trip, a man started acting really weird during a ministry time. So I approached him and asked what was going on. "The devil is trying to kill me" he said. To which I responded "The devil has been...

I Wish They Would Have Told Me This When I Became A Missionary – TWWM #26
I Wish They Would Have Told Me This When I Became A Missionary 24 years ago, today, I left home to become a missionary. As I look back over the years, there's one thing I wish they would have told me when I first got started. In fact, this is probably...

Confessions Of A Mass Evangelist – TWWM #25
Confessions Of A Mass Evangelist For more than a decade I was a part of a Mass Evangelism team that traveled, preaching the Gospel in stadiums around the world. As I look back over the years, there's one thing I would do differently. You see,...

Church Planting Mistakes – The One Thing I Would Do Differently – TWWM #24
Church Planting Mistakes - The One Thing I Would Do Differently For nearly 10 years we pastored a church of homeless people in Waikiki, Hawaii. As I look back, there's one thing I would do differently. Let me explain our story first.... ...

What Should A New Christian Do? – TWWM #23
What Should A New Christian Do? Today I was watching some videos on "the YouTubes" from Bible Memory Experts. The amazing thing is most of these memory experts aren't super geniuses, they have techniques and strategies that enable them to remember all this...

How To Start Discovery Bible Study Groups – TWWM #22
How To Start Discovery Bible Study Groups 1 Peter 3:15 reveals something really interesting. There's one thing followers of Jesus should be none for.... It says there's something that people who don't know Jesus will ask you about. "Always be prepared to...

7 Elements In Raising Your Sails For A Movement – TWWM #21
7 Elements In Raising Your Sails For A Movement A movement of God doesn't happen without the wind of the Holy Spirit, but a movement also doesn't happen if the wind of the Holy Spirit comes and you don't have your “Sails” up! Reading the book “From Megachurch to...

How To Build An Affair Proof Marriage – TWWM #20
How To Build An Affair Proof Marriage God's original plan to spread his goodness over the planet was marriage and family. Yesterday I celebrated my 17th anniversary. When we were engaged a pastor friend recommended a book to us: His Needs, Her Needs: Building...