Purpose Concepts Podcast
In this podcast you can listen to daily lives and thoughts about life, business and the Great & Greatness Commission. Search below to find a specific episode.Podcast

Why Did Jesus Have To Rise From The Dead? – TWWM #19
Why Did Jesus Have To Rise From The Dead? In teaching Evangelism I start by asking this question, "Why did Jesus have to die on a cross?" Most people know the answer to that one-- to pay the price for our sin. I follow it up with a second question, "Why did...

11 Characteristics Of Every Movement Catalyst – TWWM #18
Characteristics Of Every Movement Catalyst Do you know how long Jesus spent with his followers before he chose the 12 Apostles? 1.5 Years! Think about that...Jesus spent 18 months with a group of disciples before he decided these 12 guys will be the leaders...

3 Step Church Marketing & Evangelism Strategy – TWWM #17
3 Step Church Marketing & Evangelism Strategy In my book Kingdom 24902 I talk about how McDonald's taught me how to finish the Great Commission. McDonald's is all over the world because of systems. You can basically go to any McD's anywhere in the world...

Tips To Reach Gen Z For Jesus – TWWM #16
Tips To Reach Gen Z For Jesus The Weekly Worker Maker #16 A Mission's Conference asked if I would do a workshop on reaching Gen Z. This got me to thinkin'....what impacted me as a young man? When I was 19 years old I went on my first overseas mission trip. We...

How To Multiply Disciples Quickly – TWWM #15
How To Multiply Disciples Quickly The Weekly Worker Maker #15 A few years ago I was sitting in my chair praying and God asked me this question "Why do trees produce fruit?" I had no idea so I did what most people would do....I went and asked the Google. It...

Christian Parenting Tips – TWWM #14
Christian Parenting Tips The Weekly Worker Maker #14 Yesterday was Father's Day. My kids made me some delicious French Toast with eggs and bacon and we went to eat a ton of meat for dinner. They let me sit around and read and watch videos (which is what I love...

When Worship Wasn’t Singing…And It Lasted 270 Days -TWWM #13
When Worship Wasn't Singing… And It Lasted 270 Days The Weekly Worker Maker #13 When Worship Wasn't Singing...And It Lasted 270 Days Have you ever read this verse: "...on his way he met an Ethiopian eunuch...This man had gone to Jerusalem to worship, and on his...

How To Setup Facebook Prayer Ads – TWWM #12
How To Setup Facebook Prayer Ads The Weekly Worker Maker #12 A couple months ago, we as a ministry, decided our staff needed to go to every nation in South America, lead someone to Jesus, see a miracle and have video testimonies from the people who were saved,...

How To Find Your Purpose – TWWM #11
How To Find Your Purpose The Weekly Worker Maker #11 In John 17:4 Jesus says this "I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do." I notice 2 things in this verse: We are called to bring glory to God "on this earth" The way we do it...

Forgotten Key To Finish The Great Commission – TWWM #10
Forgotten Key To Finish The Great Commission The Weekly Worker Maker #10 One of the last things Jesus said to his disciples was that he wants them to do one specific thing. As I've trained people all over the world I always ask if they know this specific thing...